Laboratory Exercises

The Optics Laboratory course, in its current form, belongs to the compulsory courses of the programme of Studies of the School of Physics. It is conducted in the second and third year of the undergraduate students and is conducted in both semesters (winter and spring) of the academic year. The students are required to perform the following five laboratory exercises:

  1. Geometrical Optics
  2. Dispersion of light
  3. Interference of light
  4. Polarization of light
  5. Diffraction of light

The laboratory is subject to a regulation that concerns the required pre-processing, the obligation to submit homework for each exercise, etc. A book is also available that covers the theory of the laboratory exercises and describes the proposed experiments. Each laboratory exercise takes place every two weeks and lasts four hours, with the possibility of extension when is needed. There are sixteen (16) students at every laboratory group (ten laboratory groups at each semester), who are supervised (after their examination) by two instructors. During the laboratory exercise, students gain experience in getting experimental measurements and in the transition from theory to practice for the physical phenomena involved in each experimental unit.

Each laboratory exercise includes the use of a certain number of experimental devices. The experimental results are checked by the instructors. Students are finally required to submit a written paper with their results.